What is Clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates is a form of physical exercise that focuses on posture, core stability, control, balance, flexibility, strength, and breathing. The method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century.

Today, Clinical Pilates is often used in conjunction with physiotherapy as a means of treating a variety of injuries, particularly those of the neck and back.

This is based on strong evidence that supports the use of therapeutic exercise in the management of patients with injuries, particularly low back pain. Clinical Pilates focuses on the retraining and recruitment of these stabilising muscles to encourage fluid movement, as well as improving posture, strength and flexibility.

Although Pilates can be extremely beneficial for patients with certain injuries it needs to be specific to the individual and not used as a generic tool for everyone. Clinical Pilates (as distinct to generic Pilates classes) identifies this key issue by applying carefully selected exercises to patients with specific injuries. This ensures optimal gains whilst minimising the likelihood of injury aggravation.

If you are interested in commencing Pilates for your injury, it is essential to have a review with a physiotherapist to assess the suitability of a core stability program for you.



Pilates Principles:

There are six basic Pilates principles that need to be applied to all Pilates exercises to ensure maximal benefit…

Concentration – Focus on correct performance of each Pilates exercise and the specific muscles involved.

Centring – Focus on achieving neutral spine and activating the core stabilising muscles to support the lower back and pelvis.

Control – Maintain optimal posture and control with all movements.

Flowing Movement – Work smoothly and efficiently with all movements.

Precision – Perform each Pilates exercise with attention to detail to ensure correct technique.

Breathing – Maintain relaxed, normal breathing throughout all Pilates exercises. Do not hold your breath.


Benefits of Clinical Pilates:

There are numerous benefits to be gained from performing Clinical Pilates exercises…

  • Improved posture and core stability

  • Increased muscular strength and flexibility

  • Prevention of injuries

  • Aiding rehabilitation

  • Restoration of normal movement patterns

  • Increased co-ordination and muscular control

  • Enhanced breathing control

  • Improved balance.


Contact us on 07739 423163 for an appointment or further information about Clinical Pilates.